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    1. Cognitive Training System

      CogniPlus is a training system from SCHUHFRIED for training cognitive functions, efficient, multi-media, motivating. CogniPlus is scientifically based and incorporates up-to-date psychological findings. The content of CogniPlus is closely linked to the Vienna Test System – internationally the most widely used test system for professional psychological assessment. This means that diagnosis, treatment and evaluation can be efficiently linked.

      鞍山市| 石家庄市| 东方市| 汕尾市| 元朗区| 潢川县| 修文县| 高密市| 白河县| 渝北区| 商河县| 甘洛县| 芜湖市| 罗田县| 湖州市| 洛川县| 集安市| 英吉沙县| 攀枝花市| 大冶市| 桃园县| 三门县| 庆阳市| 靖西县| 屏东县| 布尔津县| 哈密市| 集安市| 平江县| 大同市| 大厂| 如东县| 青川县| 广西| 唐河县| 潜山县| 北票市| 富平县| 佛冈县| 临高县| 阿克苏市|