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    1. V-Amp

      Manufacturer:Brain Products GmbH/Brand:Brain Products/Model:V-Amp

      High performance on demand

      Versatility is the most distinctive feature of the BrainVision V-Amp. Favorably priced, the V-Amp is a valuable addition even for well-equipped laboratories. The V-Amp records a great variety of signals such as EEG, EOG, ECG, EMG and the full range of evoked potentials.

      Sensors for peripheral signals like GSR, blood flow, temperature interface easily with the V-Amp auxiliary ports. Compact like a multimeter and powered by an USB port, the V-Amp provides outstanding features: On board TFT-display, software controlled AC/DC-coupling, impedance measurement, bipolar as well as fully galvanically isolated auxiliary channels and an 8+1 bit trigger port.

      Furthermore, a special adapter named BIP2AUX can be used to record bipolar signals through the existing AUX inputs.

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