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    1. Cognitive rehabilitation training

      Manufacturer:Austria SCHUHFRIED/Brand:SCHUHFRIED/Model:SCHUHFRIED

      CogniPlus is a training system from SCHUHFRIED for training cognitive functions, efficient, multi-media, motivating. CogniPlus is scientifically based and incorporates up-to-date psychological findings. The content of CogniPlus is closely linked to the Vienna Test System – internationally the most widely used test system for professional psychological assessment. This means that diagnosis, treatment and evaluation can be efficiently linked. CogniPlus is available in a wide range of languages – at no extra cost. So that each client can train in his own language.


      • Based on a deficit-oriented intervention approach.
      • CogniPlus training programs are always developed in the light of the relevant up-to-date scientific literature. Theory-led design is a top priority.
      • In CogniPlus the ability dimensions being trained are almost always embedded in lifelike scenarios. This has been achieved through collaboration with computer game programmers, who have produced impressive three-dimensional graphics. It is this appealing, modern and motivating appearance that makes CogniPlus popular with clients.
      • Adapts automatically to the client's ability
      • The CogniPlus training programs can be used across the entire ability range.

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