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    1. ergoselect 4

      Manufacturer:ergoline GmbH/Brand:ergoline/Model:ergoselect 4

      ergoline is an owner operated German company with headquarters in Bitz (Baden-Württemberg). For more than 30 years, ergoline has been one of the leading providers in the medical field of high-quality, durable ergometers and systems for cardiological rehabilitation. More than 40,000 ergoline ergometers are currently in use in physicians' practices, clinics, sports medicine centers and rehabilitation facilities world-wide. Today, ergoline is seen as a modern, innovative company that has grown into an international supplier in over 30 countries.

      The new series of ergoline ergometers, a complete redesign, takes functionality, technology, and appearance to a new level. With its unique variety of models and technical details, the ergoselect 4 can be fine-tuned to the needs of each individual user.

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