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    1. K2


      Hypoxico wide-ranging product line is designed to fit any budget or lifestyle and the customer service team is happy to recommend purchase or rental packages based on your unique circumstances. Hypoxico also happy to provide free consultation and training advice for the duration of your ownership of our product. The Hypoxico team is made up of athletes who use the product and who are educated on the latest research on hypoxic training and it’s application to various sports and lifestyle pursuits.

      With our commercial K2 high flow systems, Hypoxico has developed a line of the most powerful and intelligent hypoxic technology on the market – capable of providing up to 20,000 liters per minute of hypoxic or hyperoxic air. These systems are American made and capable of being shipped and installed anywhere in the world.

      All users benefit from precise environmental tuning, and our ability to manipulate altitude, temperature and humidity independently.

      天峻县| 紫云| 安达市| 阳谷县| 揭东县| 长海县| 孝感市| 黄平县| 大理市| 克拉玛依市| 临沂市| 长海县| 南皮县| 股票| 句容市| 连山| 思南县| 雷波县| 眉山市| 商都县| 墨玉县| 精河县| 沾化县| 大余县| 龙门县| 饶阳县| 尼玛县| 赤水市| 鹤壁市| 建水县| 北票市| 扎兰屯市| 和顺县| 兰坪| 曲水县| 九江市| 德江县| 定兴县| 锦州市| 涞源县| 富川|