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    1. Summit II

      Manufacturer:Hypoxico/Brand:Hypoxico/Model:Summit II

      Hypoxico wide-ranging product line is designed to fit any budget or lifestyle and the customer service team is happy to recommend purchase or rental packages based on your unique circumstances. Hypoxico also happy to provide free consultation and training advice for the duration of your ownership of our product. The Hypoxico team is made up of athletes who use the product and who are educated on the latest research on hypoxic training and it’s application to various sports and lifestyle pursuits.

      The Everest Summit II Altitude Generator, also known as a hypoxicator, features enhanced portability, usability, comfort and quietness. This air generator represents the top of the line in hypoxic, altitude simulation technology and comes standard with digital controls. This is the ideal system for home or personal-use for any or all of the 3 training methods.

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