
    <dl id="0a3lz"><strong id="0a3lz"><form id="0a3lz"></form></strong></dl>
    1. TRACKPixx Eye Tracker

      Manufacturer:Canada VPixx/Brand:VPixx/Model:TRACKPixx

      The TRACKPixx is a 2kHz eye/gaze tracking solution. The TRACKPixx is versatile, supporting both monocular and binocular tracking with a single mechanical configuration. Interchangeable lenses support tracker distances from 60cm to over 160cm for fMRI applications. Add a second low-cost slave tracker to support remote head-free tracking. The TRACKPixx does not require a dedicated PC to process eye images and generate gaze information; all image processing is performed within the TRACKPixx hardware. Gaze data can be logged within the TRACKPixx, and retrieved by the testing PC with a simple low-latency USB interface

      (Windows, Mac, Linux).

      The TRACKPixx video feed can be accessed directly through a console display for real-time visualization and adjustment of the tracker. A scene camera can also be connected to the tracker to monitor the experiment. These video feeds can also be accessed through the USB interface for remote control of the TRACKPixx.

      The TRACKPixx also includes all DATAPixx I/O subsytems (digital, analog and audio I/Os) which can be used to synchronize and obtain microsecond accurate timetags for responses or triggers. New eye positions are computed every 1.70 milliseconds. A TRACKPixx combined with a PROPixx projector is the optimal solution for implementing ultra-low-latency gaze-contingent paradigms.


      Software support includes a low-level ANSI C API, MATLAB/Octave and Python libraries for use under Mac OS X, Microsoft Windows, and Linux.

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